Elections & Voting

Kenzie Mashburn, Elections Supervisor       

P.O. Box 1375
45 S. Lumpkin Street
Hawkinsville, GA 31036
Phone (478) 783-0828
Fax (478) 783-9209

Pulaski County Board of Elections
Gail B. Bembry, Chair
David Davis

Verdell Gibbons
James Joyner
Ed McDaniel

Office Staff
Ruth Wager
Nancy Wall


Visit the Georgia Secretary of State’s “My Voter Page” (MVP) by clicking the button below.

Through the MVP portal, you can check your voter status, fill out an online voter registration or download an application to mail via USPS mail.
My Voter Page

The Pulaski County Board of Elections will hold their monthly meetings at 10:00 am every 2nd Monday of the Month at the Pulaski County Courthouse Annex Auditorium, 45 S. Lumpkin Street, Hawkinsville, GA. The Pulaski County Board of Election Agenda and Minutes of meetings will be posted on the Bulletin Board out front of the County Commissioner’s Office. Meetings are open to the Public.