Sara Myers, City Manager
Jessica Davies, City Clerk
56 Broad Street
P.O. Box 120
Hawkinsville, GA 31036
Phone 478-892-3240
Fax 478-783-1699
The Planning & Zoning Commission is responsible for reviewing requests for both the City of Hawkinsvillle and Pulaski County. The Planning & Zoning Commission meets every 4th Thursday if there is business to review. All applications must be completed in its entirety and all required support documentation must accompany the application to be placed on the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting agenda. Please call 478-892-3240 to speak with the Building Inspector if you have questions about the planning and zoning procedures.
View Meeting Agendas & Minutes
View Meeting Rules and Procedures
1. The Chairman will call the meeting to order.
2. The Commission approves the agenda and past meeting minutes.
3. The Chairman will ask the petitioner/representative to the podium to make a presentation. The petitioner/representative will have a total of 10 minutes to make a presentation. The Commission will use this time to ask any questions. The Commission, however, is not limited to asking questions at any time during the meeting procedures.
4. The Chairman will ask if anyone in attendance, that are in favor of the zoning request, would like to address the Commission. Individuals choosing to speak will be asked to come to the podium to address the Commission. Proponents will have a total of 10 minutes to present their interest. For example, if the first proponent speaks for 7 minutes, there will be a remainder of 3 minutes for additional proponents to speak. It is best to appoint a spokesperson in order to avoid duplication of interest points. At no time will the proponents of the zoning matter address the petitioner/representative or opponents, only the Commission is to be addressed.
5. The Chairman will ask if anyone in attendance, that are in opposition of the zoning request, would like to address the Commission. Individuals choosing to speak will be asked to come to the podium to address the Commission. Opponents will have a total of 10 minutes to present their issues/concerns. For example, if the first opponent speaks for 7 minutes, there will be a remainder of 3 minutes for additional opponents to speak. It is best to appoint a spokesperson in order to avoid duplication of issues/concerns. At no time will the opponents of the zoning matter address the petitioner/representative or proponents, only the Commission is to be addressed.
6. The petitioner/representative has the option of final rebuttal. The petitioner/representative will have a total of 5 minutes to make a final rebuttal.
7. The Chairman will announce when the public hearing portion of the request is closed. At this point, input from the public is over. The Commission will review the public testimony, discuss the application and render a decision based upon the criteria contained in the City or County unified land development regulations. The Commission then moves on to the next agenda item.