Magistrate Court

Contact Us

Carlette Gibson, Chief Magistrate

Heather Horton, Associate Magistrate

P.O. Box 667
45 South Lumpkin Street, Suite 105
Hawkinsville, GA 31036
Phone (478) 783-1357
Fax (478) 783-2989

If you have been unable to resolve a dispute with a person or a business, you may take your problem to Magistrate’s Court. Magistrate’s Court, also called Small Claims Court, is an informal court that handles money claims for less than $15,000.00. This court offers a quick and inexpensive process for complaint resolution. Examples of problems often taken to the Magistrate’s Court include:

  • A tenant refusing to pay for damages in excess of the security deposit.
  • A landlord failing to return a security deposit.
  • A merchant refusing to replace, repair, or refund faulty merchandise.
  • A person refusing to return money or property borrowed from another.
  • A dry cleaner refusing to pay for lost or damaged clothing.
  • A person refusing to pay for repairs after denting someone’s fender.
  • An auto mechanic charging for work not done, unnecessary repairs, or faulty workmanship.

You may file a claim in Magistrate’s Court in your own name without an attorney, or you may hire an attorney at your expense. Magistrate’s Court cases are heard and decided by a judge without a jury.

Schedule of Fees


Civil Case Suits

  • $100.00 (one defendant)
  • $100.00 (two defendants, same address)
  • $150.00 (two defendants, different addresses)

Dispossessory $100.00

Garnishments $100.00 (defendant served $50.00)

Foreclosures $100.00

Interrogatories $10.00

Fieri Facias (FiFa) $29.00

Pre-application for Warrant $20.00

Deposit Account Fraud $20.00

Copies – .25 cents per page

Make checks payable to Magistrate Court of Pulaski Co.