City of Hawkinsville Request for Proposals (RFP) for Lawn Maintenance
The City of Hawkinsville seeks Proposals / Bids to provide Landscape Maintenance Services for Properties under its ownership and/or control. All Proposals shall be delivered and addressed to Sara Myers (City Manager for The City of Hawkinsville) at 56 Broad Street, P.O. Box 120, Hawkinsville, Ga 31036, by 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 26, 2024 (any bids delivered after this time are disqualified and will not be considered). Any questions pertaining to this request for proposals are to be in writing and emailed to Sara Myers at All sealed bids will be opened and read out loud in the office of the City Manager on behalf of The City of Hawkinsville. While the City of Hawkinsville desires to award the Contract to the lowest qualified bidder, it shall reserve the right to reject any bids should the City determine any of the bids do not sufficiently meet the needs of the City. Upon review of the Proposals, the City Manager shall make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for Bid selection to be voted on at the Board of Commissioners Regular meeting on Monday, December 2, 2024, at 6:00 PM.
The complete request for proposal can be found here.